
电子技术/半导体/集成电路 0-49人 中外合营(合资、合作) 苏州常熟
常熟英提尔汽车饰件有限公司是常熟市汽车饰件(CAIP)与世界500强之一----加拿大Magna(麦格纳)国际Intier(英提尔)汽车公司共同投资建立的合资企业。 Intier汽车公司为Magna国际(全球第二大汽车零部件供应商,世界500强之一)旗下独立上市的子公司,Intier是全球汽车工业中汽车内饰、汽车零部件开发和制造领域的重要领导者,全球有23800名员工,73个生产工厂,15个销售机构和25个研发中心,分别位于北美、巴西、欧洲和亚太地区。2004年销售额达到55亿美元。公司主要为福特、大众、通用、宝马、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒、丰田、本田、日产等世界著名汽车厂提供零件。 常熟英提尔汽车饰件有限公司(CIAI)将发挥Intier开发制造汽车零部件的优势和CAIP与各大主机厂长期合作共进的优势,为上海通用、一汽大众、奇瑞汽车等新项目仪表板、副仪表板进行前期开发设计与制造。 公司填补了国内仪表板真皮复合等技术与制造的空白,公司采用世界先进技术,增强国内在仪表板产品上的开发设计与新技术的运用能力,提升产品档次,推动我国汽车零部件的深度开发与发展。 Changshu Intier Automotive Interiors Co., Ltd (CIAI)is a joint venture company invested by Changshu Automotive Interiors (CAIP) and Magna Intier (one of the world top fortune 500 companies). As a division of Magna Group (the second largest automotive parts supplier in world, one of the top fortune 500 companies), Intier is one of the leader companies in global automotive interiors & parts developing and manufacturing industry. Intier has 23800 employees, 73 manufacturing facilities, 15 sales divisions and 25 research centers, located in North America, Brazil, Europe and Asia-pacific. Its sales reached 5.5 billion USD in 2004. Intier supplies parts for automotive manufacturers such as Ford, Chrysler, GM, Volkswagen, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Nissan Mercedes etc. Changshu Intier Automotive Interiors Co., Ltd (CIAI) will take advantages of Intier’s developing & manufacturing capability and CAIP’s long-term relationship with manufacturer, to develop, design and manufacture new type instrument panels and consoles for Shanghai GM, Volkswagen, and Chery. CIAI fills the internal blank of the instrument panels leather covering technique. By adopting the advanced technology, CIAI has strengthened the capability of instrument panels developing and designing, improved products quality, and pushed the local automotive parts industry a great development as well.


